
Tudor Hall: School Trip to Spain 2016

School Trip to Spain

School Trip to Spain: Andalusia and El Puerto de Santa Maria

We were delighted to have Tudor Hall School with us on their third school trip to Spain in El Puerto de Santa María.  All students stayed with our fantastic local Spanish Families and enjoyed their various excursions and activities, as well as their Spanish classes.

We at Spark had a fantastic time with the group and their teachers, Holly and Monica, and were impressed by how well behaved and full of energy they were. They were also motivated to practice their Spanish, and it was lovely to see them integrating with the Spanish families. We hope all the students had a great time and we hope to see Tudor Hall again next year for a 4th time!

Inge Hol – Director of Educational Programmes


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¡Ha sido una semana maravillosa!

Todo nos ha acompañado; el tiempo ha estado genial por lo que hemos disfrutado de las preciosas playas de Cádiz, La Caleta y La Puntilla en El Puerto de Santa María. Además de español, hemos aprendido mucha historia gracias a las visitas guiadas de ciudades muy antiguas, ¡más de 3000 años de historia nada más y nada menos! Todo ello recorriendo varias civilizaciones: romanas, árabes y cristiana. ¡La semana ha pasado volando!
Por otro lado, lamento decir que, las chicas de Tudor Hall ¡se han vuelto adictas a los churros con chocolate!
Ha sido un enorme placer conoceros, chicas. ¡Y espero que hayáis (subjuntivo?) aprendido mucho conmigo! ¡Hasta pronto!

José Ruiz-Herrera Hernández – Chaperone y Profesor de Español

Programa de Tudor Hall

School Trip Programme to Spain

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I would highly recommend Spark. They always endeavor to tailor our trip exactly to our requirements and collect feedback throughout the week so they can immediately remedy any issues. The trip provides and excellent balance between academic and cultural enrichment so that the student can get the most out of their experience.

Holly T – School Trip Organizer

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I would recommend this trip to friends because you feel so much more confident speaking Spanish and learning lots of new things about Spanish culture (in particular this area of Spain).

Sasha – Student at Tudor Hall

Student and Teacher Overall Evaluation of Trip

School Trip to Spain Stats

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