
Work and study in Spain: Mission Statement – Sophie Dixon


This is my statement of intent that i have written at the start of my work experience programme in order to set myself a set of professional and personal goals during my time here.

Statement of Intent

During my 5 week work and study programme at Spark I will establish and commit to good working habits that I will be able to use and build on throughout the rest of my working life. I will face the inevitable challenges of working in a completely new environment with a positive attitude and persistence. I will learn from my own mistakes and the experiences and methods of others in order to fulfil the tasks set for me by Spark and to be successful in my own objectives both with larger, long-term projects and smaller tasks.

I will apply myself fully in order to become a useful and capable part of the Spark team. I will be viewed by the other staff at Spark as a dependable and hard-working colleague because I will be dedicated to my role here and will consistently show improvement. I will improve and grow by reflecting on my goals and constantly striving to understand what will help me achieve them to the fullest.

I will be a positive force around Spark, taking each new task in my stride, aiming for both efficiency and thoroughness in my work. I will work with the team both by learning from their advice and experiences and in turn by valuing and appreciating their work and supporting them in all that they do here.Furthermore I intend to use my time here to improve my Spanish, I am committed to this goal and will work hard in and out of the classroom to progress.

By the end of my time here I will be proud and confident of all that I have achieved and learned because I will know that what I have accomplished is the result of my dedication both to my work experience goals and to my Spanish studies.

Sophie Dixon

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