
School Tours Unique Features

Why is Spark Spanish ideal for your School Group?

  • Health and Safety are our top priority and we have detailed risk assessments available for all parts of the trip = PEACE of mind you are taking the students on a SAFE trip.
  • 24 hour support from the Spark chaperone and the Spark Director of Education from the moment you arrive = constant SUPPORT during school trip and in the case of any eventuality.
  • Option to do an Inspection Tour before the trip = possibility to discuss any doubts you might have and INSPECT all parts of the tour.
  • We have our own school group adviser to help you with programme and logistical planning = SAVES you time and provides SUPPORT at all times.
  • Customisation: we make a special programme for your school group catered to your needs and interests = a programme for YOUR school’s NEEDS.
  • A dedicated and passionate chaperone for all parts of your trip.  They’ll even stay at the Sparkville Residence, if your school chooses that option, and will visit each and every family = PASSIONATE and PROFESSIONAL educational support.
  • At Spark, we have years of experience in working with children in schools, at our summer camps and of course in ourDSC_2369 own languages academy = the SECURITY that we care about what we do and YES, we are good at it.
  • We have worked for years with our homestay families (most send their children to our bilingual school or language academies) and we guarantee that your children will be placed with welcoming families with children of approximately the same age and same gender = QUALITY control in homestay placement.
  • We have developed an innovative Spanish methodology which includes a special learner booklet to maximise student learning throughout their stay with us = real PROGRESSION in Spanish.
  • Certificates and awards ceremony at the end of your stay to recognise the accomplishments of all = MOTIVATION and PERSONALISATION.
  • When we planned the trip together, we send you material to help you promote your school trip and provide the parents and student with full information on what they will be doing = ASSISTANCE with trip promotion and extra touch of “specialness”.
  • After you have completed your school trip, we provide you with a feedback form and later a post-trip report, to ensure that we keep moving forward in running the best language trips possible for your students = feedback that matters = supreme QUALITY control.


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