
Cultural Events: 17th-21st February

We’re over halfway through the month of Feb

ruary and there’s still plenty of exciting cultural activities taking place.

Starting off the week, we have our welcome drinks on Monday night. As usual, the first round is on Spark! On Tuesday, we have our weekly cooking class with Gloria. This week, the dish of choice is tortilla de patatas!


On Wednesday, our conversation classes take place for both students and local residents. Finally, on Thursday, Maria will be hosting a visita a bodega. This will include sherry and food.

If you would like to join us at any of these events you are more than welcome! To let us know that you are coming just send us an email to info@sparklanguages.com and we will sign you up for the events! That’s all for now, have a great Sparky week in the sun! To view the full program, click here: 16 – 22 febrero

And remember check out our facebook page to see the photo’s from last week’s events: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.704166172967341.1073741942.153618118022152&type=1

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