Our “Español Total” programme is our most intensive Spanish courseTotal Spanish Course
It involves a two week General Spanish Course, including an español en accion event each week and divided up by the Español Total weekend away *1 in an isolated wonderful pueblo blanco (white village) in the sierra de cadiz but the secret to this special programme is each student who signs up will be providing us with a written promise that they will only speak in Spanish throughout the weekend away and wont be using a word of their native tongue.  This programme isnt for the faint hearted as it isn’t an easy thing to achieve but with our star Spark team there to guide you on your way via a host of exciting activities, it is an achievable goal and one which will make a great difference to your overall Spanish learning, especially oral understanding and fluency.

Spark staff will ensure that Spanish learning and communication is comprehensive throughout the weekend and will also be there to help with any communication queries.  The programme is jam packed full of activities as we know that it is constant mental stimulation that will enable you to achieve the amazing goal of speaking only Spanish for one whole weekend.  Are you up for it?  Can you conquer the Spark “Español Total” course?

BOOK-NOWSpanish Course in El Puerto de Santa MariaSpanish Course in Cadiz

Key aspects
Duration April 2013: 7 April to 20 April: with the español total weekend away on 13-14.04.October 2013: 6 October to 19 October: with the español total weekend away on 12-13.10.
Two weeks of General Spanish Course + 2 weeks of cultural activities and shared accommodation in our Sparkville residence and the español total weekend in the mountains (see notes below on what this includes). Room upgrades and extra weeks can be added on.
Students To ensure this programme is run to the highest standard and to maximize Spanish usage each “español total” weekend away is limited to 7 students.
Spanish levels
Is recommended for students from pre-intermediate (A2) upwards but is suitable for any student of any level as long as they are prepared to commit to the “español total” rule of ONLY Spanish throughout weekend.
Minimum age 18
“Español Total” weekend away Includes One night’s stay in a rural hotel or hostal in shared accommodation. Jam-packed programme run by Spark staff members.  All meals*2 including a special Saturday dinner.  Transportation there and back.  Certificate and small prizes.  See an example español total weekend timetable.
Price 579.  Also the weekend away can be contracted on its own for 125€.

Learn Spanish in El Puerto de Santa MariaSpanish Course in El Puerto de Santa MariaSpanish Course in Cadiz

*1 the timetable is an example timetable and open to variation.

*2 alcohol and/or refreshments are provided at all meals but limited to a normal quantity needed for the meal. Drinks thereafter are paid by the students to the restaurants directly.

You can contract Español Total weekend away on its own for 125€.

The Total Spanish Language Holiday is the ultimate test for your Spanish language skills as it combines a two week Spanish language course with our Total Spanish weekend where the Spanish only rule is strictly enforced. Added to this, the weekend takes place in the wonderful Sierra de Grazalema meaning you also get to see another side to Spain and be in the outdoors. Our cultural and social activities programme will also have a minimum two español en acción events where only Spanish  is permitted meaning your Spanish learning is going to be great during this time. Have a holiday in Spain, get a tan, see the outdoors and improve your Spanish…

Spanish Language Holidays

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