
Why is language so important?


My name is Gisele I’m 16 years old and I’m from Germany. 

This is my blog and I will write about my experiences here in Spain and what I learned, especially the language. Because this is exactly what I want to clar up about: our language is something that connects the world. Language is an instrument that gives us the opportunity to communicate with people around the globe. This was the main reason for me to decide to do my work experience in Spark, language schools are the key to this connections.

Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. It is the way by which people communicate with one another, build relationships, and create a sense of community. There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today, and each is unique in a number of ways.

Language should never be something to fear or a reason to not do something you want. 

Knowing more than one language is a significant advantage in many careers. This is especially true if you work in certain fields like human rights, business, or finances, but you can also earn a living as a translator or tutor. Knowing multiple languages also opens up opportunities to work internationally. If you’re hoping to advance in your career and are looking for an edge, learning another language could do the trick.

Now I have talked a bit about language’s general importance, but learning more languages impacts our lifes too. Research shows that students who know more than one language have better problem-solving skills, creativity, and better critical thinking. In studies on bilingual kids, researchers found that kids who spoke a second language at home did better on cognitive tests than households with only one language.

Because language is so closely linked to culture, it makes sense that learning a language would connect you to that culture. You learn much more than just words and phrases. A new language invites you into a culture’s rituals, history, values, and more.

Being able to communicate with someone in their language fosters a unique bond and encourages empathy.

It can be tricky to nail down what “culture” is exactly. Anthropologists define it as an often shifting collection of beliefs, values, behaviors, and rules that a group of people shares.

Language is a vital part of culture because it’s what people use to communicate aspects of culture (like rules and values). People are introduced to their culture through language, which they learn at a young age.

I hope this post was interesting and the message was understandable and clear:)

In my next post I will talk about the experience I have made with different languages and countries.

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