
My Mission Statement: Nele Strommenger

In those three weeks in here in Spain, I want to improve my Spanish and find out more about and challenge a bit myself and my character.
So, why Spain? And why this programme? First of all, I have had Spanish in school in Germany for three years and at the beginning it was a lot of fun, but at some point in time, that has sort of stopped. Although my teacher has been enthusiastic and always tried to get the best out of the topics, it has not caught my interest so much anymore and I even was a bit bored. because of that my grades got worse and that motivated me to researched on the Internet what you can do about it. Luckily, I came across this program. I immidiately thought “Cool I can re-learn the language while doring practical things on top”. Now I am here in Spain ;).
I want to get out many things from this experience. Obviously, the language. After my three weeks during which I need to speak Spanish I will be much better than before. Also it will help me not only with my grades at school but also later for working and in general my whole life. It is just much better to be able to talk to locals directly when being in a foreign country.
As said at the beginning I would like to use my time here in Spain also to further develop my character. I want to learn from my mistakes and overcome my bad habits such as laziness and gain new strenghts. To get success I have to overcome any obstacle that stands in my way. I by achieving this goals I have to remind myself constantly how to I get this success, through this goals I will reach the success I want. I am sure that by the time the three weeks are over I will leave with good feeling and that I will have a diffrent view on things linked to my Spanish experience and on the world in general. Being alone in another country simply broaders the horizon in the best way. Actually, the good feeling is already there being here only a couple of days.

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